Teaching 🎓

1. Mentorship 🎓

I have had the privilege of supervising and collaborating with many talented and enthusiastic students and interns throughout my industrial and academic career. I have learned more from them than I could ever hope to teach. Below is a list of these outstanding individuals (in alphabetical order). I would be delighted to write a recommendation letter for any of them. If I have inadvertently missed anyone, please let me know, and I will update the list promptly.

  • In Alibaba Group:
    • Zhenxin Fu (@Peking University)
    • Liqiang Jing (@Shandong University)
    • Zehao Lin (@Zhejiang University)
    • Shuke Peng (@Zhejiang University)
    • Haolan Zhan (@Monash University)
  • In EPFL:
    • Yiyang Feng (@EPFL)
    • Victor Fournier (@EPFL)
    • Mete Ismayil (@EPFL)
    • Simon Li (@University of Waterloo)
    • Yison Mao (@EPFL)
    • Lazar Milikic (@EPFL)
    • Luca Mouchel (@EPFL)
    • David Segura (@EPFL)
    • Xiangyu Shi (@KTH)
    • Haotian Wu (@EPFL)

2. Teaching Assistant 🏫